Rainbow Bridge Song

Welcome to the

Rainbow Bridge Song

Helping grieve animal losses (Forever Remembered!)
and extend care and compassion (Send Love!)
to our missing and sick animal companions.

Rainbow Bridge Song

Personalize the Rainbow Bridge Song

If you or someone you know is grieving the loss of a pet, we are so sorry for your loss and know how devastating it can be. Please know that you are not alone. You are welcome to watch or download this “Rainbow Bridge Song” music video. We hope this helps with your grieving process.

Personalize the Rainbow Bridge Song with your photos and video.

Send Love

Love-Positive Thoughts-Dua-Mi Shebeirach-Prayers-Quantum Entanglement-Tonglen

Know an animal that needs a boost?

Send us a picture with a few words about their needs and we’ll post it.

If you are reading this, please take a moment to send some good thoughts to these lovely beings.

Bandit is 9, blind, and struggling. Please send some positive thoughts his way

Cricket, a rescue, struggles with anxiety. Please say a prayer that he can settle a bit.


Send an Ecard to someone grieving the loss of a beloved animal companion.

Forever Remembered!

Grieving the loss of a special animal?

Share a photo and a few words about your animal companion
or provide a few words of compassionate support for those who have posted.

You are not alone!


May you find eternal peace across the Rainbow Bridge!


Missing Pet Alert! Our beloved Harry has gone missing! Please help us find him!


In remembrance of a special friend, who had a precious soul. Miss you forever!


With each sunrise, I miss you more. Good bye Otero.


I hope you are happy up there in heaven. Miss you, son!


Dear Kris, your absence is deeply felt; please reunite with us soon.

A Shoutout To Our Sponsors