Rainbow Bridge Song

About Us

Thanks for your interest in the Rainbow Bridge Song. This project is an interesting synthesis of so many of my interests: dog training, music performance and writing, hospice volunteering and a long professional and diverse communications career. These days my Sheltie Leo and I are an active (though slowing) canine therapy team. Before COVID our therapy work took us to the nearby international airport. Often people would say, “I’ll never have another dog (or insert animal). I loved her/him so much, but he/she broke my heart the day she died. I can’t go through that again.” I would respond by asking if the love was worth the pain. Tough question. And one I’ve had to ask myself on multiple occasions. The depth of the pain people shared with me so often inspired the Rainbow Bridge Song. Certainly, it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but if it can help even a few people with their grief, it’s worth the effort. Thanks for listening and for sharing the love of your beloved animal companions. The world is a better place because of them. Ann & Leo